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[이벤트]밸뷰 Lunar New Year

밸뷰 몰에서 열리는 Lunar New Year 행사입니다. 사실상 Lunar New Year는 15,16일에 끝났지만, 이 행사는 24일에 열립니다. 오전11시부터 오후6시까지 행사가 열리고요.

각 행사는 아래순서대로 한다고 합니다.

11AM - 12PM

Joyful Harmony (喜氣洋洋)

Techno Third Prince Nezha by Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors (海外青年文化大使-電音三太子)
Taiwan Aboriginal Dance by Washington State Native Taiwanese American Association (台灣原住民)
Chinese Music by Seattle Chinese Orchestra Youth Ensemble (西雅圖國樂團少兒組)
Dance Performance by Seattle Ensemble of Songs and Dances (西雅圖歌舞團楊曉)
Flute Solo by Distinguished Flute Musician Jin Liang Ji (笛子獨奏)

12PM - 1PM

Auspicious Beginning (開春吉祥)

Calligraphy 書法 by Master Kenneth Pai (白玉崑老師, 號鶴野鳴皋), Master Ben-Sam Ho (何炳森老師), and Artist Sue Hwang (蘇玉枝老師)

1PM - 2PM

Abundant Treasures (年年有餘)

Chinese Gu Zheng Shirley Wang, Seattle Gu Zheng Studio (西雅圖王晶古筝藝術中心)
Dance Performance Hengda Dance Academy (恆達舞蹈學院)

2PM - 3:15PM

Lunar New Year Spectacular (新年快樂吉星高照)

Chinese Lion and Dragon Parade (龍獅獻瑞) by International Lion Dance & Martial Arts Team
VIP Speech & Group Photos 嘉賓致詞
Chinese New Year Blessing Mask Dance 跳加官 Cao Chen
Taiwan Guan Jiang Shou 官將首 by by Charles Chen, David Hagopian, Cliff Louie, and Vincent Wang, Taiwan Traditional Folk Performing Troupes
Techno Third Prince Nezha by Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors (海外青年文化大使-電音三太子)
Taiwan Aboriginal Dance 台灣原住民舞蹈 by Washington State Native Taiwanese American Association
Sichuan Style Chinese opera (Change Face) 川劇絕技(變臉) by Long Yu

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